Corporate law

Corporate law, whether it concerns a joint venture, a merger or any disputes concerning the course to be adopted, touches the heart of organizations. It is a comprehensive legal domain that shares a lot of common ground with other legal domains, including employment law and tax law. It is therefore a domain where the close collaboration between our attorneys-at-law, our tax attorneys and our tax lawyers has full play.

We know the possiblities corporate law offers to achieve the best possible result for your organization. We support you in taking both day-to-day and strategic decisions. We can assist you in various corporate law-related matters, e.g. establishing a partnership, drawing up shareholders', joint venture and management agreeements, assessing funding constructions and security portfolios, preparing and/or attending a general meeting of shareholders, the discharge of a board member, directors' and officers' liability, the takeover of a company, the buyout of shareholders in shareholder disputes and debt collections.